The Deptford Poll.
[To TEl EDITOR OF TEl " SIZCTILTOR."] SIR,—In your note and article upon the London County Council Elections, in the Spectator of March 9th, there are some errors of fact which......
The "new Magistrate" In Ireland. [to Thi Elms Of Thr
"SFICTATOR."] SI11,—In commenting on a recent °biter dictum of one of Mr. Morley's Magistrates, in the Spectator of March 9th, you write :—" The idea that people who refrain......
"tales Of Mean Streets."
[To THR EDITOR OF TEl " SPIOTLTOR."] Sin,—Your reviewer treais my "Tales of Mean Streets" with a kindness which I acknowledge with gratitude,—a kindness. which I might venture......
The Ming Dynasty.
[To TEl EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sm—In an article in the Spectator of March 2nd, you ask whether there exists at present any scion of the Ming dynasty. It happened to me......
Letters To The Editor.
MR. MORLEY'S PROPOSAL. [To THY EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR?'] Sin,—Although in your admirable article in the Spectator of March 9th, on the Irish Land Bill, you state that you......
The Welsh Cathedrals.
ITO TEl EDITOR Or TEl " SPRCTATOZ."1 Sin,—A circumstance has come to my knowledge in respect to Llandaff Cathedral, which seems to have a distinct and important bearing upon the......