The Diversions Of An Autograph - Hunter, By "j. H."...
as it might be phrased, "The Confessions of an Auto- graph Fiend." Still, it is only fair to say that if all the tribe were as clever and appreciative as "3. H.," their offence......
A French History Of English Literature.*
M. JUSSERAND is a French diplomatist who resided, we believe, for some time amongst us in that capacity, and has abandoned his profession in order to devote himself to the......
Current Literature.
Christopher Columbus: his own Boole of Privileges. Compiled and edited by Benjamin Franklin Stevens. (B. F. Stevens.)— This is "a photographic facsimile of the manuscript in the......
Addiscombe: Its Heroes And Men Of Note. By Colonel H.
M. Vibart. (Archibald Constable.)—This volume may be described as a counterpart to that lately noticed in our columns, which had Haileybury for its subject. Here we have the......
Pudd'nhead Wilson. By " Mark Twain." (chatto And Windus.)...
Mr. Samuel H. Clemens found Missouri audiences or readers slow to appreciate his jokes P Mr. David Wilson comes to a Missouri town to push his fortunes. Unluckily his first......