The body of Terence M`Manus, almost the last of the
Irish rebels, has been brought to Ireland from America, and on Sunday twelve thousand persons followed it to the grave.. An address was made by Father Lavelle, who declared that the events of the day presaged the resurrection of Ireland, and the great crowd dispersed without an accident, without an offence, and we suspect without very clear ideas as to what the " demonstration" might mean. Archbishop Cullen, it must be remarked, endeavoured to prevent the display, but without apparent success, only the respectable classes, with whom he is powerless, staying away. To compensate himself, the Archbishop has fiercely attacked Sir Robert Peel as an open foe of the Catholic faith, but here again he has been defeated, Sir Robert Peel—a true Milesian spoilt —retorting with happy severity that it was hard in the Archbishop to " denounce one who was but a worm, and no better than Dr. Cullen himself," a climax of humility which even an Archbishop can hardly be asked to approve.