Austria And Switzerland.
BERNE, Nov. 14. Austria, who after the loss of Lombardy positively refused to bear any portion of the expense of constructing the Bodensee Railway, unexpectedly notified to-day......
(By telegram through M. Reater's Office.) THE GERMAN FLEET. FRANKFORT-ON-TRH-MAINE, Nov. 14. IN to-day's sitting of the Federal Diet, Prussia made a declaration against the......
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WINDSOR CASTLE, Nov. 8.—The Queen, accompanied by the Grand Duchess Constantine and Princess Alice, drove out this morning in an open carriage-and-four. In attendance were the......
MONDAY, NOVEld_13ER 11TH. MB. WHALLEY, M.P., attended the annual festival of the Hull Loyal Orangemen's Association, which took place at Hull, on Tuesday last, the 5th of......
Subscriptions to the " FRIEND OF INDIA," and " OVERLAFD FRIEND OF INDIA," be received by Mr. A. E. Galloway, at No. 1, Wellington-street, Strand, London. Terms : Per Annum,......