Italy. Tuant, Nov. 14.
General Carbonelli, a Garibaldian general, has gone to Caprera, in order to present an address to Garib al di from the Neapolitans, pray- ing him not to leave Italy. The state......
PARIS, Nov. 14. The Paris papers of this evening publish despatches from the Herzegovina and Bosnia, announcing that the insurrection in those provinces is considerably......
From Tile London Gazette, Nov. 12.
Boabropts.-Ileury Shalders, Queen Margaret's-grove, Stoke Newington-green, auctioneer-Samuel Bell, Blossoms-place, Holloway, tailor-Franz Sponheimer, New-street, Llon-street,......
Prices Current. 171
:74 71 50 17f 87 28 124 96 44 SHARES. BRITISH FUNDS. ;(Closing Prices.) Friday. Friday 230 226 -die die die 931 921 92; 92 151 Bank Stock, 10 per Cent India Stock, 101 per Cent......
Births. Births.
On the 7th Inst., in Eaton-square, Lady Emily Cavendish, of a daughter. On the 9th inst., at Deer Park, Devon, the Lady Frances Lindsay, of a son. On the 11th inst., at 4,......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY EVENING. IN the 'Discount Market this week there has again been only a moderate demand, and the rate in the open market for the best paper has not......
Spain. Mannin, Nov. 12.
The Corresposdencia dulografa of to-day announces that disorders have broken out at Lisbon, resulting from popular demonstrations against the Spaniards who are employed on the......