IN the 'Discount Market this week there has again been only a moderate demand, and the rate in the open market for the best paper has not exceeded 2k per cent. At the Bank, where the minimum remains at 3 per cent., there has consequently been little business done. On the Stock Exchange the supply of capital continues very abundant, and loans on Government Securities are obtainable at 1k per cent. The Agents-general for Crown Colonies have given notice of a loan of 200,0001. in 6 per cent. debentures to the Cape of Good Hope. Tenders are to be sent in on or before the 25th instant. A deposit of 5 per cent. will have to be paid on allotment, and the re- mainder on the 3rd December.
The Funds this week have again been firmer, partly from purchases by the Court of Chancery, and partly from the more satisfactory advices from Paris, the appointment of M. Fould as Minister of Finance, outweighing the effect of the anticipated loan of 40000,0001. Consols closed this evening at 93} to 94 for money, and 92k to ex div. for the account, showing a rise of a per cent. Other Government Securities have been in good demand, especially the Indian rupee paper. Indian Five per Cents continue to advance steadily, the final quotation to-day being 1061 to 106g. Exchequer Bills have been exceptionally dull. In Foreign Stocks, there has been a fresh rise in Mexican. Other Spanish-American descriptions have also been inquired for par- ticularly Venezuelan. Spanish Certificates have shown considerable buoyancy, and have risen nearly one per cent. Turkish Six per Cents are likewise higher. Railway Shares have been firm, the fortnightly settlement this week showing only a limited supply of stock in the market. Midland and Lancashire and Yorkshire are the scarcest, being much wanted for transfer. London and North-Western was at one time dull, but has since improved. Most of the other leading descriptions also present a rise, except South-Eastern, which continues to decline, on the bad traffic returns. Colonial and Foreign Railways have participated in the rise in the English market, Indian Guaranteed Stocks being prominently in demand. American Securities are heavy. In the Miscellaneous Market the principal feature is another ad- vance in United Mexican Mining Shares, on the receipt of further favourable advices from the mines.
The imports of specie this week comprise 292,0001. from Melbourne, 55001. from the west coast of Africa, and 147,0001. from the West Indies. Small sums continue to be sent to America, 12,8801. having been taken by the Norwegian and Etna. A sum of 12,8781. has also been despatched to Brazil, and 232,9051. to Bombay. About 90,0001. in gold was purchased by the Bank to-day. A company has been started under Sir M. Stephenson, which hopes to accomplish for India what Messrs. Pickford and Co. have effected for England, and shares will be allotted until the 20th instant. Shares in the new Telegraph to India Company will be allotted up to the same day,