Boabropts.-Ileury Shalders, Queen Margaret's-grove, Stoke Newington-green, auctioneer-Samuel Bell, Blossoms-place, Holloway, tailor-Franz Sponheimer, New-street, Llon-street, New Kent-road, baker-William John Samuel Timothy, Culford-road, North Kingsland, furniture salesman-Henry Whitehead, Knockholt, Kent, licensed victualler-Jonathan Leefe, Jewin-street, City, fancy box manufac- turer-Joseph Crick, Desborough, Northamptonehire, miller-George Hope, Hunt- ingdon-place, Huntingdon-street, waterproof composition manufacturer-John Groves, York-road, King's-cross, saddler - William Nathaniel Wynn, Greenwich, saw mills proprietor-Harry Eves, Plumstead, Kent, tailor-Bennett Morgan, North- crescent, Tottenham-court-road, American shipping-master-Hubert Dolma Rad- cliffe, Hove-villas, Brighton, captain in the army-John Turner, Westbourne-gardens, Bayswater, hotel-keeper-Charles Hustler, Arlington-street, New North-road, Islington, marble mason - George Allen, Brook-street, Kennington-road, tobacconist -William George Howard, Wellington-road, St. John's-wood, gentleman -Arthur Hanford, Coal-yard, Bloomsbury, general dealer-George Minto and Alfred Pavltt, George-yard, Lombard-street, advertising agents-Frederick Withers! Butler, Alves- cott, Oxfordshire, farmer-Thomas Owen, Cumming-street, Pentonville, pianoforte maker-Edward Bridges, Bury St. Edmund's, coach builder-Robert Soeosli Newbon Farm, Cadham, Kent, farmer-John Parsons, Little Britain, City, tailor-Joseph Baly, Victoria-road, Islington, commission agent-Lydia Marsh, Gloucester-street, Clerkenwell, dealer inwatehmakers' toola -Richard Brinsley Sheridan, jun., Market Harborough, Leicestershire, gentleman-Henry Barnard Chalon, North-terrace, Brampton, accountant-Michael Goulden, Elder-street, Norton Folgate, silk menu' facturer-Charl es William Townley, Paul-street, Finsbury, funeral contractor-He
Rains Jackson, Si, John's-road, Battersea-rise, corn merchant--John ArthurEistob, North-row, Park-lane, clerk-William Watkins, Maidon-terrace, Newbury-terrace,
Kentish-town, journeyman plumber-William Norman, Peterborough, Northampton. shire, hatter-Francis Harris. Upper Bryanston-street Bryanston-square, saddler_ William Davis, Bridgend, Glamorganshire, ironmaster -Robert Bowman, Aberga. venny, Monmouthshire, coal merchant-Thomas Williams, Birmingham, surgeon-. Joseph John Tyler, Lowesmoor, Worcester, baker-Anthony Salt, Tutbury, Stafford. shire, butcher-James Joseph Gregory Povey, Handsworth, Staffordshire, licensed
victualler-Walter Wilson, Handsworth, Staffordshire, clerk-William Crosby, Rise- gate, Lincoinabire, brewer's assistant-Alfred Coe, Pudsey, Yorkshire, extractor- Hannah Hargreaves, Armley, Yorkshire, dressmaker-Richard Jessap Robinson, Manchester, salesman-Edward Forster Kirsop, Newestatle-upon-Tyne, grocer- John Jennings and George Jennings, Leeds, stone bottle manufacturers-Asher Lamb and William Lamb, Leeds, millwrights-Matthew Marshall, Leeds, painter- Sarah Ann Smith, Leeds, manager to a dressmaker-William Hallsworth, Godley- green, Cheshire, nurseryman-Francis Foster, Bridgwater, Somersetahire, beer- house keeper-Robert James Bell, Burslem, Staffordshire, grocer-Henry Davies, Glasbnry, Brecknockshire, tailor-James Cook, Byfleet, Surrey, licensed victualler -Thomas Vickers, Haxey, Lincolnshire, farming bailiff-George Harman, Birming- ham, licensed victualler's assistant-John Corbett Sheepshed, Leicestershire, grocer -William Whitby, Nottingham, butcher-William Barradell, Nottingham, baker- Sidney Smith, Nottingham, hosier-William Charles Mee, Nottingham, tobacconis- Floraida Bianchi, Nottingham, journeyman plaster maker - Charles Armatead, Radford, Nottinghamshire, lace manufacturer-Edward Lee, Gedling, Nottingham.. shire, beerhouse keeper-Charles James Fox, Gotham, Nottinghamshire, cordwainer -Robert Rowlson, Nottingham, cabinet maker-William Jaques, Hyson-green, Nottinghamshire, pianoforte maker-Cyrus Pearson, Lenton, Nottinghanuthire, lace maker-Catherine Slater, Seaford, Nottinghamshire, baker-John Sant Weightmas, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, commission agent-Charles John Josland, Exeter, printer-William Thomas Davie, Bristol, undertaker's assistant-Joseph Haskins, Bristol, lodging-house keeper-Thomas Taylor, Bristol, marine store dealer-Thomas Millward Geddes, Warrington, Lancashire, commission agent-Charles Bruce Leach, Newnbam, Gloucestershire, writing clerk-William Hartley, Hulme, Lancashire, labourer-James Coomber, Cliffe, near Rochester, Kent, labourer-Joseph Rook, Boughton-under-the-Blean, Kent, builder-Edward Noyes, Chester, carver and gilder-William Rufus Ellis, Falmouth, Cornwall, auctioneer-Edward Spencer, Halifax, Yorkshire, police constable.
Scotch 8equestrations.-Alexander Mackenzie, Maryburgh, near Dingwall, horse dealer-Robert Frame, Larkball, Lanarkshire, joiner-John Baird and James Maher, Glasgow, paint and colour manufacturers-Robert Dey, Findhorn, Eighuthire, mer- chant-Richard Nixon Morrison, Glasgow, hat and cap manufacturer- Rev. Alexander Lendrum, Crieff, Perthshire-Angus Urquhart, Killearnan, Ross-shire, innkeeper-Joseph Brown, Edinburgh, wine and spirit merchant.
The publication of yesterday's List of Bankrupts, in the °agate, has been delayed.