limnita.—The American intelligence of the week has been very scanty.
From Missouri, a despatch of General Fremont's announces a victory in the following terms :
" Head-quarters in the Field, near Hamansville, Mobile, Oct. 26.
" Captain M'Keever, Assistant Adjutant-General,—Yesterday after- noon Major Seagoni, at the head of my guard, made a most brilliant charge upon a body of the enemy, drawn up in line of battle, and their camp at Springfield, 2000 or 2200 strong. He completely routed them, cleared them from the town, hoisted the national flag on the Court-house, and retired upon a reinforcement, which he has already joined. Our loss is not great. This successful charge against such very large odds is a noble example to the army. Our advance will occupy Springfield to-night.
"J. C. FREMONT, Major-General Commanding."
General Kelly had also reported a Federal victory at Romney, Virginia, on October 26. After an action of two hours' duration, the Confederates were completely routed, leaving all their cannon, much of. their camp equipage, and many prisoners in the hands of General Kelly. The Confederates' account of the battle of Leesburg is contained m the following despatch :
"Head-quarters, Army of Potomac, Centreville, Oct. 22, 10 30 r.n. " In addition, concerning the victory of General Evans, I have to report the capture of nearly 600 prisoners and 1200 stand of arms. Their killed and wounded and prisoners amount to between 1000 end 1200. The rout was total. The fight was an infantry engagement exclusively. The forces engaged were the 8th Virginia and 17th and 18th Mississippi Regiments, the 13th Mississippi being held in reserve. No artillery was fired by us."
"Taos. JORDAN, Assistant-Adjutant-General."
Mr. Memminger, the Secretary of the Confederate Treasury, bad issued an important circular in reply to inquiries whether it was the intention of Government to afford any material aid to the planters, either by purchasing the entire cotton crop, or by making an advance of a part of its value. To purchase the whole crop, Mr. Alemininger states, would require at least 150,000,000 dols. of Treasury notes for the cotton crop alone, estimating the whole crop of cotton at 200,000,000 dols., and deducting the subscriptions made to Govern- ment, which may be reckoned at about 50,000,000 dols. Other produce would, of course, claim the same benefit, which would bring the total amount up to not less than 175,000,000 dols. The other proposals supposing the advance to be at the rate of 5 c. per lb. on cotton, and the same rate on other produce, would require 100,000,000 dols. The Confederate Government r'efuse to entertain either application; tney are engaged in a great war with a country to whose muni- tions and workshops they have been joint contributors for 45 years of peace, and yet who spend 10,000,000 dollars per week to carry on that war. The Confederate Government, then, cannot be expected to carry on the war with less than half that sum per week. If 200,000,000 dollars must be raised for the war, it would be ruinous to raise another 100,000,000 for the benefit of the planting interest. Besides, the Treasury bonds have become the currency of the country, and a further issue would depreciate that currency to a dangerous extent. Mr. Memmiuger concludes by giving the planters the follow- ing advice : "In the first place, let the planters immediately take measures for winter crops, to relieve the demand for grain and provisions. Let them proceed to divert part of their labour from cotton, and make their own clothing and supplies. Then let them apply to the great resource presented by the money capital in banks and private hands. Let this capital come forward and assist the agricultural interest. Heretofore the banks have employed a large part of their capital in the purchase of Northern exchange. Let them apply this portion to factors' acceptances of planters' draughts secured by pledge of the produce in the planters' hands."