PRIVY Puns. or GEORGE THE FOUTIL—HiS late Majesty was infinitely
more attentive to his money transactions and his banking. book than the world gave him credit for. Until nearly the close of his life, one of the partners in the eminent banking-house where the King's money was lodged, an ancient and highly respectablegentlemaie at the end of every month waited upon his Majesty, either in town or at Windsor, and, in concert with the Privy Purse of the Royal Establishment, in the presence of the King, examined and checked every disbursement.— Morning Chronicle.
KING WILLIAM'S PUNCTUALITY.—It is worthy of remark that not a single present, be it ever so trifling, is received by the King, with- out its being acknowledged by his Majesty in the kindest and most con- descending manner.—Brighton. Gazette.
Wlliraname—The extensive repairs of 'Whitehall Chapel, are nearly completed. The elegant stone facing of this handsome edifice has been thoroughly repaired and renovated, and, the scaffolding having been removed from the street front, it reappears in all its pristine beauty. The roof now placing upon it seems as if calculated to endure for ages.