16 OCTOBER 1830, page 4

The Letters From Brunswickgive The Following As The...

Prince WILLI &A 'Ile address of the States. " I thank the I. "aq )f the Duchy of Brunswick and the Principality of Blankenburg for toe assurances they have given me of their......

The Magistrates Of Berne Lately Prohibited The "new...

Zurich," because of an article in which some seditious hand- bills, posted up and down the town, were insinuated to be the work of the Government itself. The ordinance......

It Would Appear That The Spirit Of Reform Is Not

entirely dead in Italy. Some time ago, a band of persons, to the horror and astonishment of the Magnates, carried a tri-coloured flag through the principal streets of Florence......

The Gazette Of Darmstadt Mentions, That The Diet Had, At

its sitting of the 1st instant, resolved to stifle the insurrection in the country of Haman and the electorate of Hesse ; and for that purpose, had invited the Governments of......

We Have Not Had Occasion For A Long Time To

advert to the state of Ireland. Perhaps we should not have been called on for some months to come, had not Parliament been summoned for business in October instead of February.......

Little Has Been Added To The Intelligence Respecting...

Liberals are so tardy in their movements, as almost to lend a colour to the insinuation that they are tools in the hands of a parcel of stockjobbers. The prospect of 'a......