Fine Arts.
Landscape Illustrations of the Waverley Novels. Part VI. We gladly turn from the blundering inefficiency of the Historical to the beautiful neatness of the Landscape......
A Scene On The River Brent. Engraved By Charles Turner,
from a drawing by W. COLLINS, R. A. A very pleasing, Gainsborough-like bit of genuine English scenery, drawn with great truth and simplicity. Such sweetly picturesque spots, as......
Illustrations Of The Annuals.
THE LITERARY SOUVENIR. THIS annual has ever held the highest place among its compeers, not excepting the Keepsake, which, though it unquestionably takes the lead in the beauty......
A Specimen Of Ink Lithography, From R. Martin's, 124, High
Holborn. Mr. MARTIN sends us a most elaborate specimen of pen and ink draw- ing on stone ; consisting of a sort of pasticcio, composed of a group of lithographic stones with......
" My bleFiing on that same man who first invented sleep ; for it wraps one all round as with a cloak." SANCHO PANZA. Meexisx wrote a book entitled the "Anatomy of Drunken-......