TH* UNIVERSITIES. CAMBRIDGE, Oct. 15.—On Sunday, the 10th inst. (being
the first day of term) the following gentlemen were elected University Officers for the year ensuing :— Proctors.—J. a Bernard, Esq. M.A. King's College; and Rev. C. IL Gooch, M.A. Corpus Christi College. Moderators.—J. Challis, Esq. M.A. Trinity College ; am' Rev. J. Bowstead, M.A. Corpus Christi College. Serutators.—Rev. A. J. Carrighan, B.D. St. John's College ; and Rev. C. Smith, MD. St. Peter's College. Tarots.— Rev. J. Cape, M.A. Clare Hall ; and Rev. E. Baines, M.A. Christ College. Pro- Procters.—Rev. J. Herding, King's College ; and Rev. H. Calthrop Corpus, Christi College.
On Tuesday last the following gentlemen were appointed the Caput for the en- %Wing year :—The Vice Chancellor ; Rev. H. Davy, D.D. Calm College, Divinity ; Rev: J. NV. Gehlart. LL.D. Trinity Hall, Law ; Rev. W. Clark, M.D. Trinity Col- lege, Physic; Rev. F. Henson, B.D. Sidney College, Sen. Regent; Rev. G. 0.Town- shend, M.A. King's College, Sen. Non. Regent.
On the same day the following gentlemen were admitted Bachelors of Arts : —C. Chapman, Fellow of • King's College ; H. E. F. Valancey, Fellow of King's ; G. Perry, Trinity College ; S. Longhurst, Queen's College; J. B. Kenrick, Jesus College.