Lord Ashley has been lending his assistance at a meeting held in Dundee last week in behalf of the Industrial School recently established in that town. Lord Kinnaird, who presided, described the funds of the school to be nearly exhausted, and exhorted the friends of education to a prompt liberality for their replenishment. Lord Ashley's address ran to some length. He described the qualifications required in the masters and mis- tresses of Ragged Schools, and enforced the necessity of devoting much attention to training the children in industrial habits. The trades taught should be applicable to the circumstances of the locality: for instance, shoemaking and tailoring were taught with the greatest advantage in Lon- don; while netmaking, which had been adopted in Aberdeen and Dundee, would probably be found most advantageous. He denounced penny thea- tres, as a most fertile cause of crime, and recommended zoological gardens and the like.
There has been a great flood in the river Tay and its feeders. On Thursday week, a long drought having been followed by a long-continued rain, the Tay at Perth had risen seventeen feet, and was still rising. The two Inches were covered, and the lower parts of the city were inundated to a considerable depth. The roads to the country were converted into rivers. Timber, sheep, cattle, trees, stacks, floated towards the sea, showing too plainly what devastation had been wrought up the country. The timber had been swept from the works of the Midland Railway, which is now in course of construction. A corre§pondent of the North British Mail remarks, apropos to the railway—" One good effect of the flood will be to show the engineers what they will have to provide against in the construction of their bridges: a number of practical men thought that they were not enough alive to the importance of having them of the most substantial de- scription."
Mrs. Fay, the woman who was confined for months in a water-closet by her husband, died last week, in the Town's Hospital, Glasgow. Much surprise had been excited by Fay's having been liberated on bail for 151.; but since the woman's death he has been arrested on a charge cf culpable homicide.