Elbe 1probintts.
The iron-masters of South Staffordshire and Shropshire held their quarterly meeting, at Birmingham, on Thursday. The state of the trade was deemed exceedingly satisfactory;......
'be Jfirtropolts.
The Lord and Lady Mayoress gave a grand entertainment, at the Man- sionhouse, on Saturday, to the Duke of Cambridge and a very large party of distinguished visiters. The......
Die Court.
TEE Queen has been entertaining a rather numerous circle of visiters at Windsor Castle. Lord and Lady John Russell arrived on Saturday, and staid till Monday. On that day, came......
Some Doubt Is Thrown Upon The Actual Position Of Austria
towards Italy, by the report that the Austrian troops, so far from having evacuated Ferrara on the 3d instant, still remained in oc- cupation on the 4th. Tbat fact, however, by......
The Two Sections Into Which Switzerland Is Unequally...
to be resolved upon an actual appeal to arms at an early day ; both sides making diligent preparations. Accommodation appears to be hopeless for the present. Berne, the Canton......