How To Check Railway Accidents.
EVERY fresh batch of railway accidents begets a diligence in de- vising remedies to prevent that particular sort. It chances that the sort of accident that befalls a train from......
Far The Preceding Letters I Traced The Course Of Swiss
Federal politics, by a sequence of events one growing out of another, from the politico - religious movements prior to 1840 down to the present Diet and its votes respecting the......
Colonization And Alienation.
THE evidence of Mr. Cunard before Lord Monteagle'a Committee , shows how one of the presumed " difficulties " of colonizing may be nullified by shrewdness and energy. It is......
The Proposed New Record Office.
LAST year, in advocating the erection of a new edifice for the safe custody of the Records, we pointed out the Rolls estate in Chan- cery Lane as a good site : if a concurrence......