The New Zealand Company resumed its active operations yesterday, at
a special meeting held to obtain the authority of the shareholders for re- ceiving the loan of 136,0001. from the Treasury. Mr. Aglionby was called to the chair. In their report, the Directors stated that Mr. John Welsford; Cowell had entered upon his duties as Government Commissioner- " The Directors anticipate much advantage to the Company, and to New Zea- land, from the great experience and sound judgment of this gentleman; and they regard his appointment with sincere satisfaction, for the evidence it practically affords of the disposition of her Majesty's Government effectually to cooperate in carrying out the great public objects to which the efforts of the Company are directed, and for the confidence which a knowledge of that cooperation will im part to the public."
The assembled shareholders gave the required sanction. The meeting, passed votes of thanks to Mr. Aglionby and the Directors; and to Cap- tain Otway, R.N., who had been two years on the coast of New Zealand,, and gave the meeting a flourishing account of the Wellington settlements. Another resolution echoed the satisfaction at the appointment of Mr. CowelL