Aaarvzn.—At Gravesend, 9th October, Tamar, Hall. from China; 10M, AatturatItli. White, from Sydney ; Mary Ann Webb, Fowling, from China; Conservative, Hall, from Madras; and Olinda, Taylor, from Cochin ; 11th, Euphrates, Munro ; Sydney, White; and Bnaikenmoor, Carr, from Sydney ; Idalla, Clarkson, from Madras ; Scaleby Castle, Lemmon, from Bombay; M. S. Elphinstone, Holton, from Ditto ; Marianna M`Cullum, from Mauritius; and Maria Hardy, Cragg, from the Cape ; 12th. Fortitude, Robertson, from Singapore; and John Graham, Mnmford, from Madras ; 13th, Con , berland, Carr, from Ditto; and Spectator, Pearson, from Ceylon. Off Brighton, 12th- Duke of Argyle, Bristow, from China. At Cowes, 13th, Washington, Westlake, from, Akyab. Off Portsmouth, 13th, Lydford, Stayner, from Launceston ; Belle pre, Meehan; and Brunette, Cousens, from Ceylon ; and J. W. Dare, Ellis, from Mauritius. Off Falmouth, 11th, FlorInda, Hodgson, from Akyab. At Swansea, 9th, Bleng, Stewart, from Adelaide. At Liverpool, 8th, Ennerdalo, Beadle, from Calcutta; 9th, Balfour, Overend, from Bombay ; Ilth, Ivanhoe, Simpson. from Calcutta ; Ben Lomond, Man; and Adrsstus, Ord, from Bombay; 12th, Rajah, Boyd, from Calcutta; 13th, Eliza Stewart, Henderson, from Calcutta ; and Templar, Brown, from Bombay ; 14th, Beethoven, Taylor, from Calcutta ; and Guardian, Vickerman, from Bombay. At Cork, 7th, Rowalian, Bolton, from Mauritius ; and 9th, Mary Sharp, Martin, from Calcutta. At the Cape, 28th July, Thomas Blyth, Thomson ; and Alfred, Campbell, from London. At Sydney, 26th May, Busorah Merchant, Beal, from London; and Dyson, Crockett, from Liverpool.
Sainon.—From Gravesend, 11th October, Bolivar, Smith, for Bombay : I 3th, Spar- tan, Pain, for Hobart Town ; Tropic, Robertson, for Sydney ; and Lady Amherp4 Myhill, for China.