In consequence of the serious injuries which Mr. Wyon received
in the recent accident on the Brighton railway, the issue of the two-shilling piece is likely to be delayed longer than was expected.—Globe.
On the North Midland Railway, between Ambergate and Wingfield stations, a fire broke out in the train which left London at a quarter past six on Thursday morning. The fire was discovered by the engine-driver- the train being rather a long. one, and the guard at the far end of the train. It was observed first after leaving the tunnel between Wingfield and Ambergate: had it happened in the tunnel, it is fearful to contemplate the result. As it was, the guard had great dif- ficulty to get the passengers to keep their seats; and by the time the train was stopped, the luggage on the roof of the carriage (a second-class one) was in flames. The contents, consisting of newspapers and booksellers' parcels—some of the books very valuable—were nearly all destroyed.