The decline in Government Securities continued until yesterday, when, at the settlement of the Consol Account, Consols for Money went down to 804, Reduced Three per Cents to 796, and Three-and-a-quarter per Cents to 806. At one period the pressure was nearly as severe as any that has yet occurred; and for a short time Reduced Three per Cents were offered in vain at 796. It was antici- pated that the Bank Directors would have increased their minimum rate of dis- count to 6 per cent; but the usual weekly meeting passed off without any formal notification of such an alteration. Indeed, this formality was rendered unneces- sary by the practice of the Directors, who charged from 54 to 8 per cent upon loans and discounts, and in one instance continued a large loan which arrived at maturity yesterday for a short period at 9 per cent. With the settlement of the Consul Account a better feeling prevailed in the market; and after fluctuating between 806 and 81, the closing quotations of Consols today is 814 for Money; for Account the fluctuation has been between 816 and 82, and the last price is 814 82. Bank Stock has been as low as 178 ex-dividend, being a fall of about 6 per cent upon our last prices ; and India Stock as low as 220. This latter stock may now be purchased to pay 44 per cent upon the investment. Exchequer Bills have been as low as 358. discount; but have recovered again, and are last marked to- day at 18s. discount. When referring to these securities generally, it must be always understood the 1,0001. bills are spoken of; the smaller amounts always ranging at higher premiums, and being no criterion of the state of the market. The removal of the immediate necessity for forced sales has, it will be seen,given a slight appearance of firmness to prices; but nothing like an indication of per- manent improvement is yet apparent. The last instalment of the loan of 8,000,0001. became due today: the nominal amount of it was 15 per cent, but as a large por- tion had been previously paid up, the amount upon which payment was to be made today was unimportant.
In the Foreign Market, the transactions have been extremely limited. Most of the better class of Foreign Bonds have varied little from the quotations of last week. Brazilian Stock has fallen to 73; Belgian, to 864; Portuguese Four per. Cents to 20 and 21; Spanish Active, after being at 16, is today marked at 164 *, and the Passive has fallen to 34. Mexican Bonds have declined to 175: a mo- mentary firmness was given to the market yesterday by a large purchase at 184 for the middle of January; but the demand thus occasioned has not continued.
The Share Market is in a most deplorable state. Great Western have been as low as 901.; being a fall of 91. from our last prices. London and North-western
are 145 and 146; a fall of between 51. and 61. Midland 102 to 103; being a like depression. Brighton have fallen about 31. The depression of the more import- ant Shares may be stated at from 4 to 6 per cent. 1 he smaller varieties, though lower, have not fallen proportionally. The French Shares are rather below our last quotations. Some considerable transactions have occurred in those of the Northern of France; but any upward impulse thence communicated to the mar- ket has not been sustained.
SATURDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK. The accounts of the Bank of England for the week ending Saturday last ex- hibit, when compared with those of the preceding week, these results: a decrease is observable in the following items—notes issued, 160,1101.; bullion, 156,5571.; actual circulation, 72,5101.; private deposits, 274,7811.; seven-day and other bills, 1,3961.; Goverunient securities, 235,0001.; notes unissued, 87,6001. The items indicating an increase are—the rest, 22,0781.; public deposits, 85,6561.; other securities, 177,5141. The total amount of bullion is 8,408,7501., against an amount of 8,565,3071. in the last accounts; and the actual circu- lation is 18,639,8851.; against 18,712,3951. last week. The English Stock Market is firmer this morning. The first price of Consols for Money was 81, and after some fluctuation the price is now 814; for Account the opening price was 814, and the present quotation is 814 2. Exchequer Bills are 20s. and 23s. discount. No business has as yet oc..urred in Dank or India Stock. The Foreign Bonds are generally as yesterday. The transactions in Railway Shares are few, and the mar- ket is still depressed; as will be seen by the following record of bargains actually' occurring: Great Western, 90; Brighton, 386; Midland, 501., 54 6; North Staf- ford, 64; South-eastern and Dover, 264; York and North Midland, Preference, 14, SATURDAY, Two o'CLoca.
The English Funds have fallen back, and close at the concluding quotations of yesterday. Money is abundant in the Stock Exchange, but commercially the pressure is as great as ever. The American packet which left New York on the 1st instant, has arrived, but the letters are not delivered. The transactions in Foreign Bonds have been confined to the following: Mexican, 174; Portuguese Four per Cents, 20 and 216; Spanish Active, 166 4; Ditto, Three per Cents, 264 4. The Railway Shares still continue depressed; and it will be seen that the transactions in most of the principal lines indicate lower prices at the close of business. The following are the principal bargains recorded since the morning. Birmingham and Oxford Junction, 174 184; Eastern Counties, 16 154; Ditto, York Extension, 74 4; Great Western, 90 89 906 88; Ditto, Half-shares, 53; Ditto, Quarter-shares, 15 4 144; Ditto, New, 7; Hull and Selby, 96; London and Blackwall, 54; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 386 94; London and Green- wich. 84; London and North-western, 1464; Ditto, 401. Shares, M. and B., 55 6; London and South-western, 544; Midland, 103 24 107; North British, 244 44; North Staffordshire, 64 44; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 184; South- eastern and Dover, 264 7; Boulogne and Amiens, 134; Northern of France, 104;
Danish 3 per Cents 79 81 Dutch 24 per Cents 524 31 Ditto 4 per Cents 81 2 Mexican 5 per Cents-1846 174 18 New Grenada 161 171 Portuguese New 5 p. Cts. 1842 20 22 Peruvian Russian 5 per Cents 103 5 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 161 1 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 26 27 Venezuela 35
Paris and Lyons, 44; West Flanders, 14. 8 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 814 4 3 per Cent Reduced 791 80 31 per Cents 804 1
Long Annuities 81 Bank Stock
Exchequer Bills 23 15 dig. India Stock 224 1 44 Brazilian 5 per Cents 73 6 Belgian 41 per Cents 86 8 Buenos Ayres 6 per Cent Chill= 6 per Cents 85 7