16 OCTOBER 1915, Page 1

From the Russian theatre of the war the news is

distinetie good. The Germans, in spite of Marshal von Hindenburg'e furious efforts, are making little progress round Dviusk. and are suffering heavily. Thursday's reports from Petro- grad show that the town is in no danger, even though the enemy has made some slight progress on the north To the south of the town the Russians have met with very considerable success, attacking villages and trenches, and on the balance of account much improving their position. To the south of the line as a whole—that is, on the Strypa. in Eastern Galicia—the Austrians have suffered what is described, apparently correctly, as a complete defeat at the hands of General Ivanoff. They have lost largely in prisoners and munitions, and are said to be retiring beyond the river in disorder with the Russians in close pursuit.