16 OCTOBER 1915, page 14

[to Trh Editor Or The "speotator."1 Sir, —you Are, I Am

sure, desirous not only of promoting and maintaining national unity in these terribly critical days, but of rendering justice even where you strongly disagree. This leads me to......

An Australian Soldier On Compulsory Service.

ITC TRH EDITOR Or THE 4 ' SPROTATOR.”1 .Stn,—" Anzac," in last Saturday's issue asks t " What news can I take to Australia P " On his own figures, two per cent. of the total......

The Income Tax.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPEOTATOR."] Sin,—It is often said that the Income Tax is the most equit- able and just method of raising money ; but in many cases it is not so. Take......


[To TRH EDITOR OP TIIE " SPZOTATOR.1 SIE, — Your correspondent " W. R. M." quotes the " Ancient Ballad of Chevy-Chase" from Percy's Religues, which records that "when both the......

Russia And Bulgaria.

[To TRH EDITOR OP THE " SPEOTATOR. "] SIR, — The volte-face which has just been made by Bulgaria can appeal to no one more forcibly than to Mine. Novilcolf, who has just......

[to Tar Editor Or Trh Specs/atm.] Sin,—may I Add A

few words to " Anzac'a " letter in your issue of October 9th P Ho was our " convalescent guest" for a short time before starting for Australia. We live in a small private road......

The Free Churches And The War.

[To THE EDITOR, OW THE "SPECTATOR:1 SIR, — In your article headed "Arraying the Nation" you insinuate that "Chapels" have not done their duty in this war. There are five Free......