16 OCTOBER 1915, page 3

An Official Account Has Been Published Of The Remarkable Act

for which Lieutenant G. D'Oyly-Hughes, R.N., has received the D.S.O. Last August Mr. D'Oyly-Hughes volunteered to swim ashore from a submarine and try to blow up a bridge on the......

The Approaches To Dover Are Being More Strictly Guarded Than

before. Entrance to the town is allowed only by three roads, and every one must present his Registration card to the guards. Those who are above or below the age for registra-......

One General In An Order To A Division Of The

Now Army declared that their conduct In the assault on the German lines was beyond all praise, and added that no words could express the valde to their country of their......

We Regret To Note That Mr. Tennant, In Answer To

the question raised by Sir Arthur Markham in the House of Commons on Tuesday in regard to "enlistment under age," did not take a stronger and more common.-sense line. What he......

We Have Dealt At Length Elsewhere With Various Problems...

with the Volunteers, and to these articles awl also to a letter on the subject we would direct the earnest attention of our readers. Matters have reached a critical stage in the......

On Monday The " No-treating " Rule Came Into Force

London. The Order in Council applies to clubs as well as to licensed houses, as no fine distinctions seemed possible. The result was immediate. There was far less drinking. It......

We Note With Regret That The Chancellor Of The Exchequer

has given way on the halfpenny-postage question, and that we newspapers are still to enjoy a subsidy from the Government in the matter of circulating our wares—for, unless we......

The State Council In China Has Legislated For The Creation

of a special body to decide a few weeks hence the question of monarchy or republic. The two thousand nominated persons will telegraph their votes from various centres. The......

There Is Something Almost Pathetic In The Way In Which

the Germans weave webs of all sorts to try to improve th e ir position. We have lately beard of an effort " made in Germany" to induce Italy to abandon the cause of the Allies......

In This Context We May Express The Hope That Our

new Director of Recruiting will at once issue a revised and perfectly clear statement as to the terms of enlistment. They have been altered so . often that the public mind has......

Bank Halo, 5 Per Cent., Changed From 6 P.c. Aug.

8th, 1914,......