16 OCTOBER 1915, Page 3

There is something almost pathetic in the way in which

the Germans weave webs of all sorts to try to improve their position. We have lately beard of an effort " made in Germany" to induce Italy to abandon the cause of the Allies and to take the other side on receiving a promise frota Germany that she is to have not only the Trentino an Trieste, but also a considerable piece of the kingdom of Hungary. The Italians happen to be an honourable and high- minded people, who do not believe in the "scrap of paper" view of public morality, did not enter upon the war for predatory reasons, and will not desert their allies for value received. But even if they were the sort of nation to be bribed, they are not fools, but have among them some of ths ablest brains in Europe. They know well enough what sort of payment they would get from Austria-Hungary at the end of the war. There is not the slightest fear of Italy engaging in an intrigue at Berlin.