16 OCTOBER 1915, Page 3

On Monday the " no-treating " rule came into force

London. The Order in Council applies to clubs as well as to licensed houses, as no fine distinctions seemed possible. The result was immediate. There was far less drinking. It is very true that one class does not know how another class lives. And a class which does not make a habit either in clubs or at bars of standing drinks does not understand i lie wonderful strength of the convention in other classes whine requires one man to offer another a drink and the other immediately to return the compliment. If this had bees understood, there would not have been so much surprise expressed at the efficacy of the Order. It had been said that the Order could be dodged. But the fact is that most men do not want to dodge it. They are glad to be delivered from an expensive and burdensome formality. Treating is stilt allowed with meals. But what is a meal P There is no officiai definition, but one can say that the Order is being obeyed everywhere in a broad and reasonable spirit. If the Order is so beneficial in London, however, why on earth should it net be applied everywhere P The sooner the better.