16 OCTOBER 1915, Page 1

Sir Edward Grey is speaking in the House of Commons

as we go to press, but M. Viviani's bold and most satisfactory speech in the French Chamber leaves no doubt as to the line which our Government will take—the line of national honour, and so, in the long run, of national safety. We shall stand by the Serbs to the very best of our ability. That decision having been come to, and it was the only one possible, we. do most sincerely trust that our policy will be governed by the motto of "Boldness, Boldness, and again Boldness I " The ties of good faith have compelled us to enter upon a great and dangerous adventure. That being so, we must not carry it through in the spirit of some unwilling huckster who is honest but honest with a bad grace. We must show gallantry and good heart as well as good faith.