16 OCTOBER 1915, Page 15


rTo THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") Srlt,-At a time when so many appeals are being made to the British public for assistance to the sufferers by the war, or their dependants, it requires some courage to make a new one. The Islamic Society, however, has ventured to form a Com- mittee for the endowment of the widows and orphans of Indian Muslim soldiers who have fallen in France and Flanders. The stream of British charity has often flowed over India, when calamity has befallen her in plague, famine, or other visitation, assuaging her sorrow and relieving her distress. That stream, they are sure, has not been exhausted even by the continuous drains made upon it on behalf of the many worthy objects for which appeals have been made, and they are confident that a cupful can be found to maintain and support the women and children in distant India whose husbands and parents have offered up their lives on the altar of fidelity—a fidelity which is hereditary and traditional among the Muslims of India. Donations will be thankfully received by the Committee in London, and should be made payable to "Indian Muslim Soldiers' Widows and Orphans War Fund," and forwarded to Dose Mohamed, Hon. Organizer, cheques and postal orders being crossed "London City and Midland Bank, Law Courts Branch." The distribution of the Fund in India will be carried out by Rajah Sir Mabmud Ali of Mahmudabad. A matinee in aid of the Fund is being arranged to take place in London at the end of next month. We hope that your readers will oontribute liberally to this Fund, thereby proving to the Muslim world that the people of Great Britain are neither antagonistic to Islam nor unmindful of the sacrifices made by the gallant Muslims of India.—I am,

[We sincerely hope that this Fund will be well supported. We owe much to our gallant Muslim soldiers, and it would be a source of deep regret to all who know and understand our Indian Army if the public here failed to show its appreciation by helping the families of the fallen.--En. Spectator.]