Explanatory Analysis of St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans. By
H. P. Liddon, D.D. (Longmans.)—In 1876 Dr. Liddon printed some papers on the Epistle, and distributed them to the students who had attended his lectures. Subsequently Dr. Liddon rewrote these papers, enlarging them, and, in some respects, modi- fying his views (an important change is to be noted on the famous passage, vii. 11-25, the change being to regard St. Paul's language as used of the unregenerate state). On the crux in chap. ix. Dr. Liddon remarks : " Throughout this section no attempt is made by the Apostle to harmonise the absolute wisdom and omnipotence of God with man's self - determination and responsibility. For the moment, the former truth is stated with such imperious force that the latter appears quite lost sight of, and the necessity for this one-sidedness of statement lay in the presumption entertained by the Jews that, in virtue of their theocratic position, God must be gracious to them."