Surgeon-major Parke, Of The E Min Relief Expedition—one...
few men who have gone through the hardships and horrors of an African expedition and yet retained their natural gentleness—died suddenly last Sunday night" when on a visit to......
During The Week,inquests Wore Held On The Bodies Of Two
of the men shot by the soldiers in the Featherstone riots. In the case of James Duggan, which was inquired into at Wakefield, the jury found a verdict of " justifiable......
The Condition Of Things In The Coal Trade Remains Much
the same, and the men show no signs of giving way, in spite of the distress which is everywhere apparent. Fortunately, how- ever, the rioting has not been renewed in the past......
It Would Appear From The Third Volume Of The Census
of England and Wales, that the total number of both sexes em- ployed on the land, which in 1871 , was 1,153,544, and in 1881, 1,071,941, was in 1891, 980,278, showing a total......
On Monday, In Committee Of Supply, The House Of Commons
discussed the appointment of the Duke of Con- naught to the Aldershot command. Mr. Dalziel, who brought the matter before the Committee, pointed out that Aldershot is the great......
The Cholera Is Supposed To Be Declining In England, Where,
though isolated cases occur, it shows little disposition to spread. The greatest suspicion is now felt at Ashbourne, in Derbyshire, where no less than nine oases have been......
During The • Debate On The Civil Service Estimates On
Tuesday, Sir John Gorst asked the President of the Local Government Board to make a statement as to the proposal made by certain Guardians in the East End to acquire land for......
On Tuesday, Mr. Hanbury Brought The• So-called " Cordite...
before the House. According to him, Government officials had taken advantage of the work of private inventors in respect of the smokeless powder adopted by the War Office. We......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.
New Consols (2:) were on rriday 97/.......