The condition of things in the coal trade remains much
the same, and the men show no signs of giving way, in spite of the distress which is everywhere apparent. Fortunately, how- ever, the rioting has not been renewed in the past week, and no special bitterness is shown by. the men even in the neigh- bourhood of Pontefract. The authorities have sent consider. able bodies of troops into the disturbed districts, and Also a detachment of the mounted division of the Metropolitan police. These are all picked men, and have great experience in handling large and excited crowds. Meantime, a conference of miners' delegates is sitting at Nottingham to discuss the situation. The main point before them is,—Shall miners, willing to return to work at the old wages, be allowed to do so ? At the ballots recently taken at the pits, a small majority gave the answer "No;" but it is thought possible that the conference may reverse this decision. If they do, the area of the strike, says the Daily Chronicle, will at once be reduced by one-third. On Friday, it was announced that the Forest of Dean strike was over. The situation is thus, on the whole, a little better.