Official Year-book Of Scientific And Learned Societies....
(C. Griffin and Co.)—The now feature of this year's issue is a "Chronicle of the work done during , the past year " by the Societies. These are divided according to the subjects......
Explanatory Analysis Of St. Paul's Epistle To The Romans. By
H. P. Liddon, D.D. (Longmans.)—In 1876 Dr. Liddon printed some papers on the Epistle, and distributed them to the students who had attended his lectures. Subsequently Dr. Liddon......
Current Literature.
Reminiscences of Australian Ear l y Life. By a Pioneer. (A. P. Marsden.)—There are few pretensions to literary form in these reminiscences of a pioneer, but their very stiffness......
Back To The Land. By Harold C. Moore. (methuen.)—this Is
one of the series of " Social Questions of To-day," and certainly deals with a subject as important and, we may add, as complicated as any. Mr. Moore is cautious in his......
The Ndladivar : Pour Hundred Quatrains In Tamil. By The
Rev. G. N. Pope, M.A. (Clarendon Press.) —Dr. Pope translates and annotates his Tamil classics, explains its literary history in a general introduction, and adds a concordance......
Primer Of Italian Literature. By F. J. Snell, M.a....
Press.)—It is difficult to say whether one ought to criticise this book from the point of view of the student or of the reader.. Taking the latter, one would wish to have more......
The Poetical Works Of John Gay. Edited, With Notes And
a Life, by John Underhill. 2 vole, (Lawrence and Bullen.)—These volumes, part of the "Muses' Library," a series which we do not remember to have seen, are a good piece of work,......
Plain Advice About Life-insurance. By A. J. Wilson....
volume scarcely fulfils the promise of its title. The general effect upon a reader would be to hinder him from inquiry at all. "Life-insurance is, and must be, an expensive......
Mountaineering. By Claude Wilson, M.d. (bell And Sons.)—...
a volume of the " Ill-England Series," and as likely to be as useful as any, more useful than most. No one can learn cricket or any other sport from reading about it, though a......
Our Indian Protectorate. By Charles Lewis Tupper. (long-...
recommend the reader to begin his perusal of this volume with chapters xii.-xv., in which " Native Rule" is discussed historically, and with a view to actually existing con-......
The Work Of The Colony At Bielefeld Is One Of
the subjects treated n The Epileptic and Crippled Child and Adult, a volume of the " Charity Organisation Series." (Swan Sonnensohein and Co.)—The business aspect of the......