16 SEPTEMBER 1893, Page 25

Ancient India, 2000 B.C.-800 A.D. By Romesh Chunder Dutt. (Longman.)—This

is the first volume of a series of "Epochs of Indian History," which is to appear under the editorship of Mr. John Adams. It contains a sketch of the five epochs into which the " ancient " period is commonly divided,—the " Vedic," " Epic," "Rationalistic," "Buddhist," and "Puranic " ages. The subjects treated of are connected with moral and intellectual history rather than with external events. The invasion of Alexander, for instance, does not appear. The growth of civilisation, the literature, the science, the religion, manners and morals of the various epochs, are treated in an interesting way. The book will repay a careful study, and will certainly give a new light to many readers.