SIR,—It may encourage persons disposed to follow up this matter to know that the ' Fox and Pelican' at Grayshott has almost more business than it can cope with, both from passing customers and from staying guests ; for it is an inn as well as a refreshment house. In fact, extra help—which will probably become a permanent addition to the staff—has been required ever since the opening. In addition to the features broadly described as an adaptation of the Gothenbnrg system, the capital of the Association is held by persons resi- dent or interested in the neighbourhood, including local tradesmen and working men, who are also represented, with great advantage to the concern, on the Committee. I am not sure that this point is not as important as any. The name commemorates Fox, the great Bishop of Winchester, and his device, a " pelican in her piety," which is to this day the crest of his foundation of Corpus Christi College, Oxford. It is already public knowledge that the scheme is warmly approved by Fox's present worthy successor. The Association is registered under the Industrial and Provident Societies Acts, whereby the divisible profits are limited to 4 per cent. on the capital. It is too early to state any particulars as to the proportionate demand for different kinds of food and drink. Oar object, however, is not to dictate to the public, but to ascertain the real natural demand, and supply it in the best possible manner. Perhaps I may be allowed to give further information through your columns at a future time when we have had more experience.—I am, Sir, &c.,
F. POLLOCK, President of the Grayshott and District Refreshment Association, Limited. Ilindhead, September 6th.