The Jews And The Dreyfus Case.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Reading aloud " Daniel Deronda" this afternoon, I was much struck by the applicability of the following extract, quoted by George Eliot......
September 9th, 1899.
SHE stands convicted by the public voice—. Her friends desert her and her foes rejoice- Scorn'd by the nations ! This is France; who still In ancient days through good report......
Poetry And Music.
(TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR, —" S. B.'s " letter in the Spectator of Septem- ber 2nd reminds me of a question which I have some- times discussed with a friend, —......
THAT SHE REPENT ! THY vengeance, God of old, upon the Gaul I For retribution as for rain we call ! Is there not passion where Thy tempests roll, Or in Thy thunder some......
The Shame Of France. So Then, Our Wildest Fears Were
true ! The incredible disgrace : A darker shame than erst she knew Bows France's downcast face. The forger, and the forger's tool, The thrice-convicted liar, The slave, the......
Grainger's " Sugar-cane."
(To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—The writer of the article on "Agricultural Poetry" in your last issue has given quite a wrong version of Boswell's story about Grainger's......
SA'DrS " GULISTAN."* THE Gul;stan is the portal by which ninety-nine out of a hundred Western students enter the realms of Eastern letters, and a most admirable introduction it......