University Problems In The United Stales. By Daniel Coit...
LL.D., President of the Johns Hopkins University. (The Century Company, New York. 10s. 6d.)—Dr. Gilman, as head of the great University which the munificence of Mr. Hopkins......
Mr. G. H. Powell's Pocket Guide To Croquet (1s.) Is
a compact and " confidential " little treatise on modern scientific croquet. The author begins by bringing the reader and himself into agreement as to the serious nature and......
Novels Of The Week.*
WITH the approach of the autumn publishing season a welcome improvement is noticeable in the quality of current fiction. Mr. Arthur Morrison's To London Town—which, as we learn......
Current Literature.
COLLEGE HISTORIES. —Merton College. By Bernard W. Hender- son. (F. E. Robinson. 5s. net.)—Mr. Henderson rightly claims for his College a virtual priority of foundation over......