Senor Mau ra, the ex-Premier and leader of the Conservative
Party in Spain, made a remarkable speech last Sunday. While supporting the maintenance of Spain's neutrality, Seiler Maura declared that it was impossible for her to continue her international isolation indefinitely, and a mistake not to have chosen already which side she would join. Senor Maura concluded by showing his preference for the Western Powers, but only on the basis that France and England should not be hostile to Spain. The speech has caused a considerable sensation, because, while personally Senor Maura has always believed in the establishment of closer relations with England and has avowed pro-Entente sentiments ever since he was in power, his party is for the most part Germano- phile. The journals which favour the Allies regard his outspoken declaration as of the highest importance, and it is stated that Count Romanones, the Premier, was not surprised by the speech, with the essential points of which he is in full agreement. One of the Ministers is credited with the assertion that an interesting moment in home and foreign politics has been reached, and that if Count Romanones did not find himself strong enough, he would have to bring about a crisis with a view to forming a National Government.