The True Ecclesia.
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR.") Bm,—It is a great oomfort to many of us to know that the Spectator is there at home, always ready to take up arms against all narrowness of......
Preoccupation And Shells.
[To THE EDITOR Or TEE " SPECTATOR. "] Snt,—All men fear. The difference between men's attitude in danger arises either from preoccupation or " soberness "—i.e., discipliner of......
The Saviour On Exclusion.
To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR:1 have read with interest your footnote to a letter which appears in your issue of September 9th under the heading " The Saviour on Exclusion."......
" The Adventure Of Death."
[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] Snt,—Most people who are able to think at all will probably agree with your correspondent " C. S." in thinking that for any one person to be......
The Peace Of Prague. [to The Editor Of The "
SPECTATCIRM Sra,—Now that Rumania has joined the Allies, and Greece is on the point of doing so, only one country remains neutral of all those neigh- bours of the four Central......
The Proposed Church Council.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] . Bra,—Lord Hugh Cecil will find, I believe, that an Act of Parliament would be necessary to enable Church legislation to proceed by means......