16 SEPTEMBER 1916, page 12

Charing Cross Bridge.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."' Sra,—In three essentially excellent paragraphs in the " News of the Week " of September 2nd you speak of the Charing Cross Bridge. You......

Lord Wellesley's School For Administrators. [to The...

" SPECTATOR.1 your interesting article on "Lord Wellesley's School for Administrators " you have called public attention to a grand scheme, which, though actually set on foot,......

Terms Of Peace.

[To TECH EDITOR OP THE " SPBCTATOR.1 Sm,—The fact that other contributors are making suggestions as to your terms of peace emboldens me to make a further one. This war has been......

Lincoln And Asqu/th.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR:1 Sm,—To the Englishman as to the American—though naturally in a smaller degree—Abraham Lincoln is one of the heroic personalities whose......