16 SEPTEMBER 1916, Page 13


[To THE Eorroa or THE " SPEOTITOR."1

Sxn,—I had no intention of troubling you and your readers any further. I trust, however, you will permit me to ask Mr. Barnes-Austin what justi- fication he has for saying I " seem to hold that Nonconformists are outside and debarred from the Communion of Christ." My Nonconformist friends in Nottingham know quite well that I should never say anything of the kind. In my letters I said nothing whatever either of Noncon- formists or the Communion of Christ. All I maintained was that Jews and other avowedly non-Christian people are not members of the Church of England. In this view I gathered that you, Sir, would concur, and I cannot imagine that Mr. Barnes-Austin would dispute it.—I am, Sir, ho..

S. Mary's Vicarage, Nottingham. T. Frain.