My Siberian Year. By M. A. Czaplicka. (Mills and Boon.
10s. 8d. net.)—Miss Czaplicka has written an interesting account of the Tungus, the aborigines of Arctic Siberia, among whom she spent a year in 1914-15. She lived for some months at Golchiliha, on the Lower Yenisei, well within the Arctic Circle, in order to pursue her studies of this primitive and little-known people. Her notes on their cult— Shamanism or Devil-Worship—aro curious ; some of the Russian peasants migrating to Siberia are, she says, perverts to this form of paganism. It is odd to learn that on the Yenisei " zhentilman " is a term of abuse which might bring the user before a Russian Magistrate on a charge of defamation of character. The only Tungus tribe that has attained fame is the Manchu, which gave China its late dynasty. Like most travellers, Miss Czaplicka formed a very high opinion of the potentialities of Siberia.