17 APRIL 1915, Page 13


I.Te en Eorroa 5. TIM "Sesomoa."1

Sin,—Recently you were good enough to give permission to the Alliance of Honour to include in a little brochure pre- pared for circulation amongst the troops the striking article "Wild Oats," by a hospital surgeon, which appeared in your distinguished journal a while ago. You were kind enough to say that it would be a source of satisfaction to you to know that the article in question should serve so good and noble a purpose as that contemplated.

The original plan which the directors of the Alliance of Honour had in view was to Beek the oo-operation of the Chaplain-General to the Forces, Bishop Taylor Smith, C.V.O., D.D., in the circulation of a million copies of the said brochure among the new recruits, through the various Chaplains-in-Charge. The Bishop welcomed the scheme, and gladly undertook to see the distribution through, his comment upon the draft being that it was "a very sane and useful compilation." At our request his Lordship contributed a brief message. The million copies have now been delivered to the War Office, and we think some brief account of this unique undertaking may not be out of place in your columns should you be able to find space for this letter.

This booklet is entitled For Thoughtful Reading, and seta forth strongly the need for chastity. Its size is three inches by four (suitable for carrying in the recruit's pocket-book), and the cover is of strong khaki paper neatly printed in scarlet. The contents include (besides the article "Wild Oats ") Lord Kitchener's address to the Expeditionary Force, a message from the Chaplain-General, brief and valuable medical testimonies by Sir Alfred Pearce Gould and (the late) Dr. S. H. Habershon, the last page reading thus: "The Command= Keep thyself pure.' The Response—' I can do all things through Christ Who strengtheneth me."

In acknowledgment, Bishop Taylor Smith has written "Will you kindly convey to the directors of the Alliance of Honour my grateful thanks for the million copies of For Thoughtful Reading ? Many have expressed their appreciation of the booklet and their confidence in its far-reaching influence." A certain proportion of the million copies has found its way to the troops in France, Cairo, and Gibraltar, the rest having been distributed among various of the large training centres, among which may be mentioned Aldershot, Curragh, Dover, Dublin, Edinburgh, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Salisbury Plain, Shorncliffe, the White City, Woolwich, ace., &a.

, We need hardly say that it would be a pleasure to send

fuller particulars and specimen brochure to any of your readers who might be disposed to take a share in this project —We are, Sir, de,

Evaraw E. Rsonsw.1 Joint Acting ALFRED B. KENT ,/ Dirt:ON:1ra

Leysian Chambers, 112 City Road, E.C.