17 APRIL 1915, page 3

A White Book Has Been Issued Containing Correspondence...

American Ambassador in London on the treatment of prisoners of war and interned civilians in Germany and Britain. Readers will learn in these papers, if they did not know......

The Strange Thing Is That Herr Ballin Seemed To Be

quite unaware that these extraordinary remarks "gave away" the case as generally stated by Germany. Sir Edward Grey is held responsible for the war because he was so tumorlike......

The Narrative Of The "eyewitness" Published On Tuesday...

the remarkable effect of the British advance at Neuve Chapelle. Although that advance took place a month ago, the Germans have made no attempt at retaliation. Formerly any......

On Wednesday The New York World Published An " Inter-

view " which Herr Bailin, the head of the Hamburg-Amerika Company, gave to Mr. von Wiegand. Herr Bailin had just returned to Hamburg from the front, where he had had a long......

The German Government Have Announced In A Note To America

that they will take reprisals on account of the British Admiralty's statement that German submarine prisoners cannot be treated as honourable prisoners of war. The German......

The Times Stated On Wednesday That An Appeal Is About

to be made to members of the Civil Service to join the colours. Lord Kitchener has issued a Memorandum to the effect that Civil Servants must obtain leave from the heads of......

Last Saturday The Belgian Relief-ship `harpalyce ' Was...

a German submarine. The ` Harpalyce ' left Rotterdam in ballast for Virginia, and was flying a white flag bear- ing the words "Commission for Belgian Relief" in large letters......

At The Board Of Trade On Tuesday A Conference Was

held on the substitution of women for men in various trades. Mr. Runchnan informed the representatives of the women'. organizations that up to April more than thirty-three......

Some Vague And Uninformed Talk About Peace In The United

States has called forth from Dr. Eliot, ex-President of Harvard University, one of the wisest and most distinguished of living Americans, a remarkable piece of advise. Speaking......

Bank Bate, 5 Per Cent., Changed From 6 Per Cent.

Aug. 8th.......