17 APRIL 1915, page 17

The Central Association Of Volunteer Training Corps.

PnEnnwarr LORD DESISOROUGH, Hon. Szcsarrewr PERCY A. FL *MUM Esq. MEAD Curlers: Judges' Quadrangle, Royal Courts of Justice (Carey Street entrance). The aims and objects of this......


IN MEMORY OF A. J. R. (WHO DIED OP CEREBRO-NENINGITIS, CAUGHT IN A SOLDIERS' RECREATION-ROOM). Hs Laboured as the soldiers' friend, Since loftier service was denied, Strove till......


THE POEMS OF JOHN KEATS.* EAGER and tomultuary lovers of poetry are apt to declare that they care only for the authentic words of the poet. Editing and a careful presentment of......

Tfie "spectator" Home Guards Fund- Strescurprions For...

be sent to the Spectator Office, or direct to Messrs. Barclay and Co, Goslings' Branch, 19 Fleet Street, London, RC. Cheques should be made payable to the "Spectator Home Guards......