The strange thing is that Herr Ballin seemed to be
quite unaware that these extraordinary remarks "gave away" the case as generally stated by Germany. Sir Edward Grey is held responsible for the war because he was so tumorlike that he could not bring himself definitely to say that Britain would fight in any event! Again, according to Herr Ballin's state- ment, Austria (which is the something as saying Germany) could have prevented the war. Her willingness, or the reverse, to save Europe from war depended upon nothing more cogent morally than a frigid speculation as to whether Britain would or would not be found on the opposite side! But perhaps ik is waste of time to trouble about what Herr Bailin (or perhaps we should say the Emperor) tells the United States. The Times reminds us of a letter which it published from Herr Ballin—also on the Emperor's authority—last August In that letter Herr Bailin said: "Russia alone forces the war upon Europe. Russia alone must carry the full weight of responsibility."