17 APRIL 1915, Page 14


was "Sracumon."1 SIR.—May I crave a little space to appeal to those who are interested in physical recreation for the men in the New Army? The Southern Counties Cross•Country Association has devoted all its energies and its funds to this purpose during the past six months, and while the energies are unim- paired the funds are now exhausted, and the work has to be carried on by the Military Rises Committee on its own responsibility. The members of that Committee have them- selves subscribed a Sum sufficient to cover the cost of events already in hand. Whether they can continue to organize distance runs depends upon the support which is received from those interested in athletic sport. As there will be few civilian athletic meetings during the war, may I suggest that those who, in the past, have subscribed so liberally to the sports funds should divert some of their largess to the purpose I have indicated P This will enable the Committee to continue the promotion of events which have earned apprecia. tion from every rank in the Army. These races with their fields of many hundreds teach young men to engage in athletic sport instead of remaining spectators, and as they Increase in popularity will become a powerful factor in the general health, not only of the Army, but the youth of the nation.—Subscriptions should be addressed to yours, dre.,


Hon. Secretary Military Race Committee B.C.C.C.A. 131. Denmark ffiU, RE,