[To rus Emma. or Tar ”Sercrarou."]
SIR,—I think Frere in his Life of the great Duke and your correspondent " Medio-Templarius " have mixed up a barring out said to have occurred at Eton with one that actually ocourred at Harrow. The Marquis Wellesley, the Duke's eldest brother, was one of the ringleaders in this "barring out," the cause of which was the appointment of one Heath to be Head-Master, which the boys resented. Lord Wellesley was expelled and subsequently sent to Eton, where his younger brothers, including the future Duke, followed him—Harrow thus losing the honour of having the great Duke among her alumni. The Marquis Wellesley was devotedly attached to Eton all his life, and is buried in the College ChapeL--I am,