WE desire to thank our readers most heartily for the very kind way in which they have responded to our appeal to make up our Fund before it closes on May lit to £8,000. We have already this week got close to our goal, and hope next week to pass it.
As a proof that we were not using the language of exaggeration when last week we praised the work of the Central Association of Volunteer Training Corps, we desire to put before our readers a letter which the Hon. Secretary of the Association, Mr. Percy Harris, has received from Sir Henry Sclater, the Adjutant-General of the Forces :—
" Wan OPrICR,
12th .elprit,1916,
I am writing to acknowledge your letter of 12th April and the receipt of the set of papers and forma issued from the Central Association.
• I would take this opportunity of expressing our appreciation of the work which you and the Central Association are doing in organizing the Volunteer movement in accordance with the principles laid down by the War Office.
In taking over this work the Association has not only consider- ably lightened the burdens of the War Office, but, I feel sure, it is proving a valuable ally to our recruiting organization. Believe me, Yours sincerely,
Adjt.-General of the Forces."
It is to be hoped that this letter will make people realize that the War Office now take the Volunteer movement quite seriously, and acknowledge the fine work done by the Association. The War Office have nothing to complain of as regards the loyalty of Lord Desborough and the officers of the Central Association, to whom they have delegated the duty of superintending and controlling the Volunteer Corps throughout the country. The Central Association have acted always in the true military spirit of obedience and loyal co-operation, and have won as their reward the confidence and respect of the military authorities.