William Henimings, a private in the Royal Marines, received a
hun- dred lashes at the Woolwich Barracks on Monday, for stealing a coat and absenting himself without leave. He was sentenced to suffer one hundred and fifty lashes ; but the surgeon stopped the punishment at the hundredth. [We used to hear of men enduring five hundred or even a thousand lashes ; but since the subject of' military floggino.t' has attracted so much attention, the number of lashes has been ranch re- duced. Nevertheless, it does happen that the smaller number is now found to be as much as can he safely inflicted. We suspect that means are taken to make the punishment as severe as formerly, though nomi- nally less.]
A fire, on Wednesday morning, destroyed the premises of Mr. Ilard- inginam, a seller of print-colours, in Holland Street, Illackfriars.