17 AUGUST 1839, page 17
Spectator's Library.
BIOnRAPIIV, Memoir:, or the Life testi Labours or Robert Morrison. M.R.A.S., &e. Ike. &e. Compiled by his NVidow ; with Critical Notices of his Chilies,. Works. by Samuel Kidd,......
Thoughts On The Model Of The Battle Of Waterloo.
A Norsins , . exemplification of the truth of Honsees maxim on the superiority of eyesight over hearing., continues to be presented by the model of the. Battle of NVaterloo,......
Tie M Oir S Ok Dr. Morrison.
Aurnotton his eminence is exaggerated, according to custom, by the religious sections with which he was connected, and though fail- ing in the great object of his travail, the......