With The Exception Of The Penny-postage, A Measure Alike...
by the rich and educated as by the poor and ignorant, this session has done absolutely nothing for the great mass of the community. If it end thus, neither Chartist broils nor......
Our Letters From Alexandria Are Of The 27th Of July.
They state that the officers and crews of the Turkish and Egyptian fleets lived in the most perfect harmony, and appeared. to have commenced that reunion of the people of the......
Accounts From Time Test Indies Reaelt To The Loth Of
July. The newspapers arc chiefly occupied with statements respecting the crops, and the refusal of Negroes to work for reasonable wages. A spirit of insttbordinatitm had been......
The Chartist Diversion Is Almost Over. We Do Not Mean
that the political principles of Chartism are, or are likely to be, extinct. But the brief career of violence draws towards its close. The hot-headed, or false-hearted leaders,......
The Graham's Town Journal Mentions Further Depredations...
They had attacked several herds of cattle, carrying off altogether 119 oxen, and killing one herdsman. The same paper, referring to the hostility between the European settlers......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The monied interest were taken by surprise on Monday morning by the ap- pearance of the following notice from the Chancellor of the Exchequer,......
The Men Of Money Were On The Alert At An
unusually early hour yesterday morning. The Chancellor of the Exchequer had fixed ten o'clock at the Treasury- Chambers as the time and place of' receiving tenders for the......
New Ministerial Choppings And Changes Are Freely Talked...
pos. tical circles. There is no doubt that Mr. SPRING RICE will be pitch. forked to the Peers as soon as the preparations for electing his successor at Cambridge are completed.......
SATURDAY. The Morning Post publishes a letter, dated July 27th, from its cor- respondent at Constantinople, stating that troops have mutinied in various parts of the Turkish......
There Was "no House" Of Commons Last Night, As Only
3-1 Mem- . bers had mustered at fine o'clock. In the House of Lords— The Poor-rates Collection Bill went through the Committee. The Metropolis Courts Bill was read a third time,......