A circular has been addressed to the Tories of hint
and its neigh- bourhood, signed by the treasurer and finance committee of the Dull Conservative Society, soliciting subscriptions to replenish their ex- letusted funds ; and stating that they have incurred heavy VXpellSVS in carrying out the objects of the society, and are unable te muaa c t their en- gagements entered into in behalf of the eau ee. Sir Walter dallies has, it seems, failed in transmitting the needful, and the Carlton has stopped the supplies. 'Toryism. in Hull being confessedly pear, will soon be- come weak ; and consequently Sir Walter may direct his views to another constituency. lie has had enough of 11(111, and Dull of' him.— Globe.
'Ube Honourable George Anson has contradicted a report that be in- tended to give up the representation of South Staffordshire.
An unusual number of persons in Brighton have this year disquali-
fied themselves by non-payment of their taxes. But this circuit).- stance, the increase ot' electors, which is large at present, would have amounted probably to 500 or 600.—Iirightun Uilzette.
The publication of the Brighten Patriot has been dis-continued.